Conditional jump was introduced in the last chapter to loop for theaddition of a fixed number of array elements. The jump was based on the
zero flag. There are many other conditions possible in a program. For
example an operand can be greater than another operand or it can be
smaller. We use comparisons and boolean expressions extensively in higher
level languages. They must be available is some form in assembly language,
otherwise they could not possibly be made available in a higher level
language. In fact they are available in a very fine and purified form.
The basic root instruction for all comparisons is CMP standing for
compare. The operation of CMP is to subtract the source operand from the
destination operand, updating the flags without changing either the source
or the destination. CMP is one of the key instructions as it introduces the
capability of conditional routing in the processor.
A closer thought reveals that with subtraction we can check many different
conditions. For example if a larger number is subtracted from a smaller
number then borrow is needed. The carry flag plays the role of borrow during
the subtraction operation. And in this condition the carry flag will be set. If
two equal numbers are subtracted the answer is zero and the zero flag will be
set. Every significant relation between the destination and source is evident
from the sign flag, carry flag, zero flag, and the overflow flag. CMP is
meaningless without a conditional jump immediately following it.
Another important distinction at this point is the difference between signed
and unsigned numbers. In unsigned numbers only the magnitude of the
number is important, whereas in signed numbers both the magnitude and
the sign are important. For example -2 is greater than -3 but 2 is smaller
than 3. The sign has affected our comparisons.
Inside the computer signed numbers are represented in two’s complement
notation. In essence a number in this representation is still a number, just
that now our interpretation of this number will be signed. Whether we use
jump above and below or we use jump greater or less will convey our
intention to the processor. The jump above and greater operations at first
sight seem to be doing the same operation, and similarly below and less
operations seem to be similar. However for signed numbers JG and JL will
work properly and for unsigned JA and JB will work properly and not the
other way around.
It is important to note that at the time of comparison, the intent of the
programmer to treat the numbers as signed or unsigned is not clear. The
subtraction in CMP is a normal subtraction. It is only after the comparison,
during the conditional jump operation, that the intent is conveyed. At that
time with a specific combination of flags checked the intent is satisfied.
For example a number 2 is represented in a word as 0002 while the
number -2 is represented as FFFE. In a byte they would be represented as 02
and FE. Now both have the same magnitude however the different sign has
caused very different representation in two’s complement form. Now if the
intent is to use FFFE or decimal 65534 then the same data would be placed
in the word as in case of -2. In fact if -2 and 65534 are compared the
processor will set the zero flag signaling that they are exactly equal. As
regards an unsigned comparison the number 65534 is much greater than 2.
So if a JA is taken after comparing -2 in the destination with 2 in the source
the jump will be taken. If however JG is used after the same comparison the
jump will not be taken as it will consider the sign and with the sign -2 is
smaller than 2. The key idea is that -2 and 65534 were both stored in
memory in the same form. It was the interpretation that treated it as a signed
or as an unsigned number.
The unsigned comparisons see the numbers as 0 being the smallest and
65535 being the largest with the order that 0 < 1 < 2 … < 65535. The signed
comparisons see the number -32768 which has the same memory
representation as 32768 as the smallest number and 32767 as the largest
with the order -32768 < -32767 < … < -1 < 0 < 1 < 2 < … < 32767. All the
negative numbers have the same representation as an unsigned number in
the range 32768 … 65535 however the signed interpretation of the signed
comparisons makes them be treated as negative numbers smaller than zero.
All meaningful situations both for signed and unsigned numbers that
occur after a comparison are detailed below:
DEST = SRC ZF = 1 When the source is subtracted from the destination and both are equal the result is zero and therefore the zero flag is set. This works for both signed and unsigned numbers.
UDEST < USRC CF = 1 When an unsigned source is subtracted from an unsigned destination and the destination is smaller, borrow is needed which sets the carry flag.
UDEST ≤ USRC ZF = 1 OR CF = 1 If the zero flag is set, it means that the source and destination are equal and if the carry flag is set it means a borrow was needed in the subtraction and therefore
the destination is smaller.
UDEST ≥ USRC CF = 0 When an unsigned source is
subtracted from an unsigned
destination no borrow will be
needed either when the operands
are equal or when the destination
is greater than the source.
UDEST > USRC ZF = 0 AND CF = 0 The unsigned source and
destination are not equal if the
zero flag is not set and the
destination is not smaller since
no borrow was taken. Therefore
the destination is greater than
the source.
SDEST < SSRC SF ≠ OF When a signed source is
subtracted from a signed
destination and the answer is
negative with no overflow than
the destination is smaller than
the source. If however there is an
overflow meaning that the sign
has changed unexpectedly, the
meanings are reversed and a positive number signals that the
destination is smaller.
SDEST ≤ SSRC ZF = 1 OR SF ≠ OF If the zero flag is set, it means
that the source and destination
are equal and if the sign and
overflow flags differ it means that
the destination is smaller as
described above.
SDEST ≥ SSRC SF = OF When a signed source is
subtracted from a signed
destination and the answer is
positive with no overflow than the
destination is greater than the
source. When an overflow is there
signaling that sign has changed
unexpectedly, we interpret a
negative answer as the signal
that the destination is greater.
SDEST > SSRC ZF = 0 AND SF = OF If the zero flag is not set, it means
that the signed operands are not
equal and if the sign and overflow
match in addition to this it
means that the destination is
greater than the source.
For every interesting or meaningful situation of flags, a conditional jump isthere. For example JZ and JNZ check the zero flag. If in a comparison both
operands are same, the result of subtraction will be zero and the zero flag
will be set. Thus JZ and JNZ can be used to test equality. That is why there
are renamed versions JE and JNE read as jump if equal or jump if not equal.
They seem more logical in writing but mean exactly the same thing with the
same opcode. Many jumps are renamed with two or three names for the
same jump, so that the appropriate logic can be conveyed in assembly
language programs. This renaming is done by Intel and is a standard for
iAPX88. JC and JNC test the carry flag. For example we may need to test
whether there was an overflow in the last unsigned addition or subtraction.
Carry flag will also be set if two unsigned numbers are subtracted and the
first is smaller than the second. Therefore the renamed versions JB, JNAE,
and JNB, JAE are there standing for jump if below, jump if not above or
equal, jump if not below, and jump if above or equal respectively. The
operation of all jumps can be seen from the following table.
JNAE Jump if carry
Jump if below
Jump if not above or equal CF = 1 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation generated a
carry or required a
borrow. After a CMP it
is taken if the
unsigned destination is
smaller than the
unsigned source.
JAE Jump if not carry
Jump if not below
Jump if above or equal CF = 0 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation did not generated a carry or
required a borrow. After
a CMP it is taken if the
unsigned destination
is larger or equal to
the unsigned source.
JZ Jump if equal
Jump if zero ZF = 0 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation did not
produce a zero in its
destination. After a
CMP it is taken if both
operands were
JNBE Jump if above
Jump if not below or equal ZF = 0 AND
CF = 0
This jump is taken
after a CMP if the
unsigned destination is
larger than the
unsigned source.
JBE Jump if not above
Jump if below or equal
ZF = 1 OR
CF = 1
This jump is taken
after a CMP if the
unsigned destination is
smaller than or equal
to the unsigned
Jump if less
Jump if not greater or equal
This jump is taken
after a CMP if the
signed destination is
smaller than the
signed source.
Jump if not less
Jump if greater or equal
This jump is taken
after a CMP if the
signed destination is
larger than or equal to
the signed source.
Jump if greater
Jump if not less or equal
ZF = 0 AND
This jump is taken
after a CMP if the
signed destination is
larger than the signed
Jump if not greater
Jump if less or equal
ZF = 1 OR
This jump is taken
after a CMP if the
signed destination is
smaller than or equal
to the signed
Jump if overflow.
OF = 1
This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation changed the
sign unexpectedly.
JNO Jump if not overflow OF = 0 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation did not
change the sign
JS Jump if sign SF = 1 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation produced a
negative number in its
JNS Jump if not sign SF = 0 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation produced a
positive number in its
Jump if parity
Jump if even parity
PF = 1 This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation produced a
number in its
destination that has
even parity.
Jump if not parity
Jump if odd parity
PF = 0
This jump is taken if
the last arithmetic
operation produced a
number in its
destination that has
odd parity
JCXZ Jump if CX is zero
CX = 0 This jump is taken if
the CX register is zero.
The CMP instruction sets the flags reflecting the relation of the destination
to the source. This is important as when we say jump if above, then what is
above what. The destination is above the source or the source is above the
The JA and JB instructions are related to unsigned numbers. That is our
interpretation for the destination and source operands is unsigned. The 16th
bit holds data and not the sign. In the JL and JG instructions standing for
jump if lower and jump if greater respectively, the interpretation is signed.
The 16th bit holds the sign and not the data. The difference between them
will be made clear as an elaborate example will be given to explain the
One jump is special that it is not dependant on any flag. It is JCXZ, jump
if the CX register is zero. This is because of the special treatment of the CX
register as a counter. This jump is regardless of the zero flag. There is no
counterpart or not form of this instruction.
The adding numbers example of the last chapter can be a little simplified
using the compare instruction on the BX register and eliminating the need
for a separate counter as below.
; a program to add ten numbers without a separate counter
[org 0x0100]
mov bx, 0 ; initialize array index to zero
mov ax, 0 ; initialize sum to zero
l1: add ax, [num1+bx] ; add number to ax
add bx, 2 ; advance bx to next index
cmp bx, 20 ; are we beyond the last index
jne l1 ; if not add next number
mov [total], ax ; write back sum in memory
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21
num1: dw 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
total: dw 0
The format of memory access is still base + offset.
BX is used as the array index as well as the counter. The offset of
11th number will be 20, so as soon as BX becomes 20 just after the
10th number has been added, the addition is stopped.
The jump is displayed as JNZ in the debugger even though we have
written JNE in our example. This is because it is a renamed jump
with the same opcode as JNZ and the debugger has no way of
knowing the mnemonic that we used after looking just at the
opcode. Also every code and data reference that we used till now is
seen in the opcode as well. However for the jump instruction we see
an operand of F2 in the opcode and not 0116. This will be discussed
in detail with unconditional jumps. It is actually a short relative
jump and the operand is stored in the form of positive or negative
offset from this instruction.
With conditional branching in hand, there are just a few small things left
in assembly language that fills some gaps. Now there is just imagination and
the skill to conceive programs that can make you write any program.
Till now we have been placing data at the end of code. There is no suchrestriction and we can define data anywhere in the code. Taking the previous
example, if we place data at the start of code instead of at the end and we
load our program in the debugger. We can see our data placed at the start
but the debugger is intending to start execution at our data. The COM file
definition said that the first executable instruction is at offset 0100 but we
have placed data there instead of code. So the debugger will try to interpret
that data as code and showed whatever it could make up out of those
We introduce a new instruction called JMP. It is the unconditional jump
that executes regardless of the state of all flags. So we write an unconditional
jump as the very first instruction of our program and jump to the next
instruction that follows our data declarations. This time 0100 contains a
valid first instruction of our program.
Example 3.2
; a program to add ten numbers without a separate counter
[org 0x0100]
jmp start ; unconditionally jump over data
num1: dw 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
total: dw 0
start: mov bx, 0 ; initialize array index to zero
mov ax, 0 ; initialize sum to zero
l1: add ax, [num1+bx] ; add number to ax
add bx, 2 ; advance bx to next index
cmp bx, 20 ; are we beyond the last index
jne l1 ; if not add next number
mov [total], ax ; write back sum in memory
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21
Inside the debugger the instruction is shown as JMP 0119 and the location0119 contains the original first instruction of the logic of our program. This
jump is unconditional, it will always be taken. Now looking at the opcode we
see F21600 where F2 is the opcode and 1600 is the operand to it. 1600 is
0016 in proper word order. 0119 is not given as a parameter rather 0016 is
This is position relative addressing in contrast to absolute addressing. It is
not telling the exact address rather it is telling how much forward or
backward to go from the current position of IP in the current code segment.
So the instruction means to add 0016 to the IP register. At the time of
execution of the first instruction at 0100 IP was pointing to the next
instruction at 0103, so after adding 16 it became 0119, the desired target
location. The mechanism is important to know, however all calculations in
this mechanism are done by the assembler and by the processor. We just use
a label with the JMP instruction and are ensured that the instruction at the
target label will be the one to be executed.
The three types of jump, near, short, and far, differ in the size ofinstruction and the range of memory they can jump to with the smallest
short form of two bytes and a range of just 256 bytes to the far form of five
bytes and a range covering the whole memory.
Near Jump
When the relative address stored with the instruction is in 16 bits as in thelast example the jump is called a near jump. Using a near jump we can jump
anywhere within a segment. If we add a large number it will wrap around to
the lower part. A negative number actually is a large number and works this
way using the wraparound behavior.
Short Jump
If the offset is stored in a single byte as in 75F2 with the opcode 75 andoperand F2, the jump is called a short jump. F2 is added to IP as a signed
byte. If the byte is negative the complement is negated from IP otherwise the
byte is added. Unconditional jumps can be short, near, and far. The far type
is yet to be discussed. Conditional jumps can only be short. A short jump
can go +127 bytes ahead in code and -128 bytes backwards and no more.
This is the limitation of a byte in singed representation.
Far Jump
Far jump is not position relative but is absolute. Both segment and offsetmust be given to a far jump. The previous two jumps were used to jump
within a segment. Sometimes we may need to go from one code segment to
another, and near and short jumps cannot take us there. Far jump must be
used and a two byte segment and a two byte offset are given to it. It loads CS
with the segment part and IP with the offset part. Execution therefore resumes
from that location in physical memory. The three instructions that have a far
form are JMP, CALL, and RET, are related to program control. Far capability
makes intra segment control possible.
Moving ahead from our example of adding numbers we progress to aprogram that can sort a list of numbers using the tools that we have
accumulated till now. Sorting can be ascending or descending like if the
largest number comes at the top, followed by a smaller number and so on till
the smallest number the sort will be called descending. The other order
starting with the smallest number and ending at the largest is called
ascending sort. This is a common problem and many algorithms have been
developed to solve it. One simple algorithm is the bubble sort algorithm.
In this algorithm we compare consecutive numbers. If they are in required
order e.g. if it is a descending sort and the first is larger then the second,
then we leave them as it is and if they are not in order, we swap them. Then
we do the same process for the next two numbers and so on till the last two
are compared and possibly swapped.
A complete iteration is called a pass over the array. We need N passes at
least in the simplest algorithm if N is the number of elements to be sorted. A
finer algorithm is to check if any swap was done in this pass and stop as
soon as a pass goes without a swap. The array is now sorted as every pair of
elements is in order.
For example if our list of numbers is 60, 55, 45, and 58 and we want to
sort them in ascending order, the first comparison will be of 60 and 55 and
as the order will be reversed to 55 and 60. The next comparison will be of 60
and 45 and again the two will be swapped. The next comparison of 60 and 58
will also cause a swap. At the end of first pass the numbers will be in order
of 55, 45, 58, and 60. Observe that the largest number has bubbled down to
the bottom. Just like a bubble at bottom of water. In the next pass 55 and 45
will be swapped. 55 and 58 will not be swapped and 58 and 60 will also not
be swapped. In the next pass there will be no swap as the elements are in
order i.e. 45, 55, 58, and 60. The passes will be stopped as the last pass did
not cause any swap. The application of bubble sort on these numbers is
further explained with the following illustration.
55 60 45 58
Yes On
Yes On
55 45 60 58 Yes On
55 45 58 60
45 55 58 60
Yes On
No On
45 55 58 60 No On
45 55 58 60
45 55 58 60
No Off
No Off
45 55 58 60 No Off
Pass 3 Off
Pass 2
Pass 1
No more passes since swap flag is Off
58 60
45 55 58 60
No Off
No Off
45 55 58 60 No Off
sorting a list of ten numbers using bubble sort
[org 0x0100]
jmp start
data: dw 60, 55, 45, 50, 40, 35, 25, 30, 10, 0
swap: db 0
start: mov bx, 0 ; initialize array index to zero
mov byte [swap], 0 ; rest swap flag to no swaps
loop1: mov ax, [data+bx] ; load number in ax
cmp ax, [data+bx+2] ; compare with next number
jbe noswap ; no swap if already in order
mov dx, [data+bx+2] ; load second element in dx
mov [data+bx+2], ax ; store first number in second
mov [data+bx], dx ; store second number in first
mov byte [swap], 1 ; flag that a swap has been done
noswap: add bx, 2 ; advance bx to next index
cmp bx, 18 ; are we at last index
jne loop1 ; if not compare next two
cmp byte [swap], 1 ; check if a swap has been done
je start ; if yes make another pass
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21
Inside the debugger we observe that the JBE is changed to JNA due to the
same reason as discussed for JNE and JNZ. The passes change the data in
the same manner as we presented in our illustration above. If JBE in the
code is changed to JAE the sort will change from ascending to descending.
For signed numbers we can use JLE and JGE respectively for ascending and
descending sort.
To clarify the difference of signed and unsigned jumps we change the data
array in the last program to include some negative numbers as well. When
JBE will be used on this data, i.e. with unsigned interpretation of the data
and an ascending sort, the negative numbers will come at the end after the
largest positive number. However JLE will bring the negative numbers at the
very start of the list to bring them in proper ascending order according to a
signed interpretation, even though they are large in magnitude. The data
used is shown as below.
data: dw 60, 55, 45, 50, -40, -35, 25, 30, 10, 0
This data includes some signed numbers as well. The JBE instruction will
treat this data as an unsigned number and will cater only for the magnitude
ignoring the sign. If the program is loaded in the debugger, the numbers will
appear in their hexadecimal equivalent. The two numbers -40 and -35 are
especially important as they are represented as FFD8 and FFDD. This data is
not telling whether it is signed or unsigned. Our interpretation will decide
whether it is a very large unsigned number or a signed number in two’s
complement form.
If the sorting algorithm is applied on the above data with JBE as the
comparison instruction to sort in ascending order with unsigned
interpretation, observe the comparisons of the two numbers FFD8 and
FFDD. For example it will decide that FFDD > FFD8 since the first is larger
in magnitude. At the end of sorting FFDD will be at the end of the list being
declared the largest number and FFD8 will precede it to be the second
If however the comparison instruction is changed to JLE and sorting is
done on the same data it works similarly except on the two numbers FFDD
and FFD8. This time JLE declares them to be smaller than every other
number and also declares FFDD < FFD8. At the end of sorting, FFDD is
declared to be the smallest number followed by FFD8 and then 0000. This is
in contrast to the last example where JBE was used. This happened because
JLE interpreted our data as signed numbers, and as a signed number FFDD
has its sign bit on signaling that it is a negative number in two’s complement
form which is smaller than 0000 and every positive number. However JBE
did not give any significance to the sign bit and included it in the magnitude.
Therefore it declared the negative numbers to be the largest numbers.
If the required interpretation was of signed numbers the result produced
by JLE is correct and if the required interpretation was of unsigned numbers
the result produced by JBE is correct. This is the very difference between
signed and unsigned integers in higher level languages, where the compiler
takes the responsibility of making the appropriate jump depending on the
type of integer used. But it is only at this level that we can understand the
actual mechanism going on. In assembly language, use of proper jump is the
responsibility of the programmer, to convey the intentions to use the data as
signed or as unsigned.
The remaining possibilities of signed descending sort and unsigned
descending sort can be done on the same lines and are left as an exercise.
Other conditional jumps work in the same manner and can be studied from
the reference at the end. Several will be discussed in more detail when they
are used in subsequent chapters.
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